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Sales On-Boarding in Small and Medium Sized Companies

How do you bring your new hires onboard your business? Leading corporations often have an orientation and indoctrination program that matches the multi-stage recruiting process they implement to ensure they get the people they believe are best suited for the roles they will fill within the company and the best fit for the company culture.

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Hiring Sales People the Right Way – Interview with Dana Lewis, HR Manager at Tomlinson Group

Dana Lewis is the Director of Human Resources at the Tomlinson Group of companies and has almost 20 years of experience as an HR professional, hiring top talent and building high performance teams. We recently had a chance to speak to her about hiring sales people. Peak: How has hiring sales people changed over your career? Dana: In the

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Hiring Start-Up Sales Reps

Sales people always face objections. Selling for a start up means facing objections and a tremendous amount of resistance. The customer is unfamiliar with the business and has no reason to trust you. You have few (if any) references, no proven merchandise, reputation, or extended track record. The product is usually more expensive and buyers

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Is Your Company Ready to Attract Top Sales Performers? Quick Test

Have you ever gone on a date without combing your hair, taking a shower or wearing clean clothes? You probably wouldn’t expect to be asked on a second date, yet many companies court sales hires as if appearances don’t matter. Top performing sales people are very picky about which employers they will work for, because