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Three Things You are Doing That Prove You Deserve a Sales Promotion

Think you’ve earned a sales promotion? Does your boss think you’re ready? If you’re doing these three things right now, it will be hard to deny the promotion you deserve. You’ve been consistently hitting your sales targets, have experienced success in moving opportunities down the pipeline, and actively serve as a mentor to many of

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Didn’t Get the Sales Job? Here Are 10 Reasons Why

In today’s hyper-competitive sales hiring landscape, the interview process can quickly become a daunting and drawn out process. Candidates are required to complete multiple interviews, behavioral assessments, and  psychometric testing. While it’s frustrating when you don’t get the sales job, understanding why you didn’t is your path to future success. Key Takeaways? Know your numbers, come prepared, and

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Is the Company Culture Right For You? Five Questions to Ask in Your Sales Interview

Contrary to popular belief, company culture is not about the number of vacation days you get, catered lunches, or the “perks” offered by leadership. This article explains what company culture is and offers some insight into what questions you should be asking during the interview process to illuminate if a company’s culture is an environment you will excel in. Read

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Preparing for Your Next Sales Interview? Read This and Ace It

  This article covers the top 10 things you need to do to prepare for your next sales interview. Specifically, it explains why you should: Come equipped with your selling numbers Be prepared to speak about specific wins Articulate ‘why’ and ‘how’ you win business Like most aspects of business, the interviewing and hiring strategies companies

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5 Steps to Getting a Higher Base Salary for Your New Sales Job [Infographic]

You aced the interview and got the offer of employment. Now comes the part 59% of candidates dread and 20% of candidates completely avoid – negotiating your starting base salary with your prospective employer. It can be agreed that everyone wants a higher base salary, but, how many have the knowledge and skills to make that happen? According to

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Six Seconds to Hired: How to Maximize Your Sales Resume to Get the Job

It takes a mere 6 seconds for a recruiter to decide if you are qualified for a job or not. This article explains the top six ways you can get your sales resume to the “yes” pile. It includes how to properly exhibit your sales numbers; how to make accolades an asset; the importance of getting specific about