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65 Sales Interview Questions to Ask Sales Candidates

Interviewing salespeople is like peeling an onion. It involves peeling away their superficial layers and getting past conditioned responses to learn about their capabilities, traits, cultural fit, and if they will yield quality results. With 50% of sales reps today missing quotas, conducting a successful sales interview is the difference between hiring a top performer

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5 Sales Team Building Activities That Reduce Turnover Rates

In today’s talent market, voluntary turnover rates are at an all time high. With the average turnover rate across all sales industries being 11.5 percent – software sales holding the top spot at 15.3 percent turnover – it’s more crucial than ever to create a work environment your sales team doesn’t want to leave.  

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Use Front-End Sales Assessment Tests to Improve Quality of Hire

It’s the talent on your sales team that will determine your fate when you’re working to hit aggressive targets and achieve your company’s future goals. And finding top performers is the difference between your company’s victory or failure in competitive markets. To find these top performers faster, you need to incorporate quantitative and objective candidate

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Reduce Your Time To Hire By 91% When Sales Recruiting

The pressure for HR Leaders to provide organizations with top performing sales candidates in short periods of time is on the rise. B2B sales reps typically onboard over 10 months with 24 months of average tenure. It is therefore of the utmost importance to hire top salespeople quickly and retain them long-term. Being responsible for the

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How HR Can Build an Integrated Approach to Sales Talent Management

A critical factor in the maintenance of a high performance sales force is an organization’s talent management system: the people, tools, systems and processes that give it the ability to attract, hire, develop, reward, and ultimately retain talent. Responsible for its development and execution, today’s human resource leader faces unique challenges and increased pressure as

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Debunking 14 Common Sales Management Misconceptions

Sales management is quite possibly the most misunderstood role in business. Why? Sales managers play a unique role – they not only select, build, lead, coach, and manage front-line salespeople, but also act as a customer and business manager. Since these responsibilities compete and pull sales managers in multiple directions, the activities that are most

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How the Best Sales Reps Spend Their Free Time [Video]

Top performing salespeople conduct themselves differently. They are just as disciplined and committed to achieving their goals inside the office, as they are at home. While an average sales rep may only be committed to success Monday to Friday, 9 to 5, A-players seize opportunity for success 24/7. While unplugging at the end of the day