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Remote Company Culture with PEAK’s Chief Spirit Officer

Remote Company Culture

with Kelly Ruddick

Meet Kelly Ruddick, Chief Spirit Officer at Peak Sales Recruiting

00:00 Intro

  • Meet Kelly Ruddick, Chief Spirit Officer at Peak Sales Recruiting. Her role is to keep people connected.

00:10 Remote Company Culture

  • Given title Chief Spirit Officer. Any company that adopts this role to specifically keep their people connected are ahead of the rest because they are focussing on their people
  • So many aspects to keeping people connect, especially for remote work
  • We want new hires to feel connected
  • It’s about the personal touch when onboarding and making an effort to get to know them and have them feel welcome and part of the team.

00:54 Onboarding Process

  • The CSO is one of the first touchpoint after getting hired
  • Main point of contact, helping direct
  • We have a questionnaire so we can get to know new hires a bit better. What they like, what their personality might be…
  • It’s the little details that make people feel welcomed and valued.

1:48 Onboarding Tools

  • Receive onboarding kit (laptop, headset, extra monitor, some books, and a little treat, welcome basket, company swag.

2:08 We Like to Celebrate!

  • We like to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries. Friendship Festivities as our Holiday Party. This year we went remote. We pulled off a wonderful virtual party – rave reviews!

2:44 Hashtag Days!

  • We try not to overwhelm anybody as well. We don’t want TOO much. It’s a matter of finding balance.
  • When you can have your staff connecting socially outside of work, that’s where the bonds and future friendships are built
  • The way we’ve managed to do that is by hosting virtual escape rooms, #ThirstyThursdays, #WorkoutWednesdays…
  • We will be hosting a lunch n’ learn series called “How to Win at Life” where we will bring in speakers from the Finance industry who can show us how to invest properly, to a mindfulness coach who can show us how to meditate and manage stresses.
  • Anytime we can provide value to an employee’s life, they will in turn bring their best selves to work! That’s all anybody could ever ask for. If you have a full team of people bringing in their best selves to work every day…you are winning #WINNING

3:55 Companies Should Adopt This Role

  • So many companies don’t have any of this at all.
  • We’re already ahead of the game. We have someone looking out for Peak’s People!

4:12 Pointer

  • “Give everybody the tools that they need to even get through the pandemic!”

Reach out to the Peak Sales Team for your hiring needs: www.peaksalesrecruiting.com


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Eliot Burdett

CEO at Peak Sales Recruiting

Before Peak, Eliot spent more than 20 years building and leading companies, where he took the lead in recruiting and managing high performance sales teams. He co-founded Ventrada Systems (mobile applications) and GlobalX (e-commerce software). He was also Vice President of Sales for PointShot Wireless. Eliot received his B. Comm. from Carleton University and has been honored as a Top 40 Under 40 Award winner. He co-authored Sales Recruiting 2.0, How to Find Top Performing Sales People, Fast and provides regular insights on sales team management and hiring on the Peak Sales Recruiting Blog.