Psychometric assessments provide deeper insights into a job candidate’s natural tendencies. They are a great way to bridge the gap between interview answers and how a person will behave on the job. They can provide valuable insights into a candidate’s intelligence, values, motivators, and natural behaviors.
A few of the most popular psychometric tests are:
DISC Assessment
The DISC assessment reveals how people handle challenges and work with others. This assessment mainly focuses on self-concept and personality. Great sales representatives usually have a high “D” profile.
Myers Briggs
Myers Briggs measures four distinct personality traits: Extraversion/Introversion, Sensing/Intuition, Thinking/Feeling, and Judging/Perceiving. Many salespeople are ESFJ, ESTP, and ENTJ types.
Predictive Index
The Predictive Index looks at what drives behavior and measures cognitive ability. Persuaders, Captains, Promoters, Strategists, and Collaborators are likely to be high-performing salespeople.
Clifton Strengths Analysis
The Clifton Strengths Analysis measures 34 personality themes that indicate your innate talents. Strengths like Belief, Relator, Achiever, Communication, Strategic, and Learner could indicate that someone is naturally a motivated and agile salesperson.
We recommend psychometric assessments only be used in the final stages of the interview process to differentiate between top candidates. These assessments should contribute to 20% of the hiring decision.
Ready to make your next hiring move? Contact us today. We’d love to help!
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Brent Thomson

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