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4 Things to Prove to Your Boss That Show You’re Ready for a Promotion Negotiation

Sales leaders are always looking to promote talent on their teams strategically. So, what makes a representative stand out to them? And how can you position yourself for a promotion negotiation your boss can’t say no to? 

Here are the four steps to promotion negotiation prep that we recommend:

#1 Prove That Your Value is Ever-Increasing 

Prepare to show how you’re an asset to your sales team and could become more of an asset in the future. And remember, your value extends beyond number-oriented goals.

#2 Prove That You Go Above and Beyond Your Personal Goals & Quotas

Consider how your Sales DNA comes through in the way you achieve and exceed your KPI’s. These qualities that you’ve proven as a representative can also be influential in a management position. 

#3 Prove That Your Sales Skills Will Transfer to Management

Many sales representatives lose one of the most motivating parts of their job when they make the transition from selling to management — the thrill of selling! Speak with your boss about the types of roles that would continue to motivate and fulfill you

#4 Prove That You Are Ready to Grow

Sales professionals who are coachable and eager to learn are managers who can grow into proficient sales leaders. Get a headstart by checking out our 20 Favorite Books About Sales Leadership.  

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Brent Thomson

Co-Founder at Peak Sales Recruiting
Before Peak, Brent worked in sales and sales-leadership positions for 18 years. He has considerable experience building and running high-performance teams, which consistently won awards and exceeded sales targets. He was Vice President of Sales for a financial management consulting company, and served with Borland Software as a Regional Sales Manager.

Co-Founder at Peak Sales Recruiting

Before Peak, Brent worked in sales and sales-leadership positions for 18 years. He has considerable experience building and running high-performance teams, which consistently won awards and exceeded sales targets. He was Vice President of Sales for a financial management consulting company, and served with Borland Software as a Regional Sales Manager.