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What Four Simple Tactics Reduce New Rep Failure?

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - October 1, 2010

Want to cut the failure rate of your sales reps? Set yourself apart from the average team where 25-50% of reps fail and exit during the first year? Include these steps in your on-boarding process and, assuming you picked right in the first place, almost every rep you ever hire will stay with you to

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Signs You May be Creating a Toxic Sales Environment

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - September 21, 2010

Consistently delivering sales targets is the primary mission of any Sales Manager and if you are like the best, you work hard to build a high performance culture, while keeping morale high. There are times however, when, the drive to succeed unwittingly backfires and create an unproductive environment for sales. If you see your sales

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Efficiency vs. Effectiveness – Forget the Difference and Fail

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - September 17, 2010

No one would argue that work for work’s sake is a cancer that must be avoided at all cases, but in practice are we conscious of the different between  being busy, and getting the right things done? Many sales managers get tangled up in “busy work”, particularly if they’re receiving pressure from above to get

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Sales Management Advice – Managing Under Stress

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - August 31, 2010

As a Sales Manager, you’re constantly faced with the challenges of leading a team while answering to your management, keeping fresh ideas circulating through your team, and playing to the strengths of your salesforce. You get pulled in 100 different directions. It is part of the territory so here are some techniques you can employ

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SaaS Sales are Often Deceivingly Complex – Adjust Your Hiring and Comp Strategy Accordingly

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - July 23, 2010

The software as a service (SaaS) model continues to be popular in the tech sector, but many of the companies that adopt this model struggle to get their sales function working properly.  On the surface, the differences between the traditional software model and SaaS appear to be small, so why does is it so hard