We have all seen the different types of sales managers and probably even worked for a few. When we looked back over our own experience, we identified seven different types of sales managers, which we have affectionately named below. Which one are you? The Fire Marshall – This type of sales manager can trigger immediate
Many moons ago, we blogged about the Six Reasons Not to Promote your Top Reps to Sales Management, and here are the top seven reasons you as the company executive or business owner *would* promote your top sales rep to a sales manager position. There is a common understanding between yourself the rep that this is
by Eliot Burdett |
Published on -
February 17, 2011
New research from the Boston University School of Management suggests that the best phrase a sales person can use to build trust and increase the likelihood of closing a sales is to respond with “I don’t know” when stumped by a question rather than making up an answer. Perhaps this has to do with the
by Eliot Burdett |
Published on -
December 15, 2010
We answered this question in LinkedIn today I wish to take my web development business to the next level. Lead generation and sales is my current weakness. I think the right person(s) to help with sales could be the next step but I do not know how to go about this. Ideally, I could start
by Eliot Burdett |
Published on -
November 17, 2010
We met with several customers and prospects last week, all of which are mature companies in mature markets. A common theme we noticed was the desire to change the mindset of their associated sales organization. Changing the sales culture is no easy task and I admire organizations with big ambitions and serious commitment. Sometimes