The harsh reality of being in management is that along with the buzz you get giving someone a job and a chance to earn their living and work at something they (hopefully) enjoy, there will be times when you have to fire the very same individual and in sales unfortunately this invariably happens more often
We have said it many times. The world’s second oldest profession has changed more in the last fifteen years than it has through all of time. Dan Pink’s latest book, To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others, covers this evolution and if you love selling as much as we do, you will love this
by Eliot Burdett |
Published on -
December 11, 2012
Photo courtesy of Ottawa Business Journal These days it is tough to talk about sales excellence without talking about the mobile computing technologies that are helping sales teams be successful. We recently caught up with tech entrepreneur, mobile industry expert, UNTETHER.TV host and author, Rob Woodbridge, to talk about the latest mobile technologies and how
by Eliot Burdett |
Published on -
December 9, 2012
Modern selling has made the sales people in movies like Tin Men, Glengarry Glenn Ross and Mad Men look dated, and a lot of people turn their nose up at sales reps that hobnob with customers like Herb Tarlek might have back in the day. But there is still that old saying that people buy
by Eliot Burdett |
Published on -
December 4, 2012
Colleen Francis, Sales Expert, is Founder and President of Engage Selling Solutions. She has over 20 years of sales and management experience, and puts these skills to use by helping clients realize immediate results, achieve lasting success and permanently raise their bottom line. We sat down with her recently to talk about how to turn