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Sales and Marketing Alignment / Lead Management Programs

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - May 17, 2010

The age old rivalry between marketing and sales is never more contested than in the context of leads. We have all seen it. Marketing complains that sales can’t convert quality leads and sales complains that marketing provides poor quality leads. In an ever more internet-connected world, companies feel compelled to spend an increasing amount of

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7 Ways to Improve Your Cold Calling

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - March 16, 2010

I was recently interviewed by Inc Magazine on the topic of cold calling. Darren Dahl put together a great article on tips and techniques for improving cold calling success (see article here >> How to Improve Your Cold Calling). As an extension to the article, I have added some additional tips since our projects often involve

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When is the Best Time to Reach Prospects

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - October 19, 2009

Right now? Actually there are better times than others, according to a new report published by and MIT (hat tip to HT to Engage Selling for picking up this story). In the study, entitled the Lead Response Management Study, MIT and looked at 3 years of data across six companies that generate and

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Tips for Selling in a Downturn

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - May 22, 2009

I received an email about marketing in a downturn, from inmedia, a PR firm focused on the high tech sector. The article is about marketing tactics, but there is some good advice in here about selling tactics: 10 tips for marketing in a downturn 4. If you have channel or other partners, consider pooling budgets