by Eliot Burdett |
Published on -
September 24, 2010
A surprisingly high number of sales people aren’t well prepared when they attend job interviews, perhaps because they don’t do it that often, but when you see one who makes a great presentation, it should give you some insight into how they will prepare for customer meetings. While this is not always the case –
by Eliot Burdett |
Published on -
June 30, 2010
Most people don’t like to hear other people say “no,” but in sales it happens all the time. Does the ability to handle rejection have a direct relationship to sales performance? Absolutely! Insensitivity to rejection is one of the most critical attributes of highly successful sales reps. To continue reading this post, click here >>
by Eliot Burdett |
Published on -
April 6, 2010
Some interesting points for employers hoping to find top performers via job boards. The downfall of this mass marketing approach is the complete lack of focus and specialization. Of course they get tens of thousands of visitors a day but do you care? When you are looking for a sales person it doesn’t matter how
by Eliot Burdett |
Published on -
May 6, 2009
Our friend Brian Jeffrey, President of Salesforce Assessments, recently sent out this articles on hiring superior sales people and we thought you would be interested in reading it as well. ================ Nobody deliberately sets out to hire salespeople who can’t or won’t perform. But it happens, and it happens more than you might expect.
by Eliot Burdett |
Published on -
February 24, 2009
There is a cliché that sales people don’t typically have the best resumes, so there is a tendency to dismiss or reduce the importance of the resume in sales hiring. And good selling is about the personal interaction anyway, right? Well, most of us don’t have time to meet everyone to find our whether they