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7 Success Characteristics That Define Top Performers

What does it take to be successful in sales? A recent study asked 500 salespeople to answer this question by rating success characteristics. Here are the winning seven traits identified by top performers. 

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1. Driven

Amongst success characteristics, drive is voted most important by 81% of top salespeople. It is also innate in an individual’s personality and can’t be easily taught.

2. Problem-Solving

When a salesperson knows how to problem solve, there aren’t many career obstacles they won’t find a way to overcome.

3. Resilient

Taking rejection in stride and bouncing back from failure is crucial to ongoing and sustained success in sales. 

4. Ambitious

Peak Sales Recruiting CEO Eliot Burdett lists ambition as one of the top success characteristics he looks for in sales professionals.  

5. Critical Thinker

A salesperson who can take a step back, gain a new perspective, and change the way they see their circumstances always has a better chance at success. 

6. Competitive

Healthy competition keeps successful sales reps hungry for achievement. Top salespeople keep score and always want to ‘win’ against their past efforts. 

7. Collaborative

75% of employers rate teamwork and collaboration as very important success characteristics. 

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Sean Murkar

Sean Murkar is the Director of Sales and Account Services at Peak Sales Recruiting, where he helps businesses build high-performing sales teams. With deep expertise in sales strategy and talent acquisition, Sean brings firsthand insights into what makes sales organizations thrive. His contributions to the blog reflect real-world experience, offering valuable takeaways for sales leaders looking to hire, develop, and retain top talent.