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Selling to Women & Couples

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - May 20, 2010

Most companies have a good understanding of their ideal client, behaviors and buying patterns, but few differentiate between male and female buyers. There are mountains of studies that show that women and men think differently on a variety of different topics, so it stands to reason that they buy differently, so why don’t more companies

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Sales and Marketing Alignment / Lead Management Programs

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - May 17, 2010

The age old rivalry between marketing and sales is never more contested than in the context of leads. We have all seen it. Marketing complains that sales can’t convert quality leads and sales complains that marketing provides poor quality leads. In an ever more internet-connected world, companies feel compelled to spend an increasing amount of

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Startups and Salespeople

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - May 11, 2010

Selling in a startup or a small company is a lot different than selling in an established company. On the pro side, selling in a startup means less red tape so reps can be more opportunistic and aggressive on pricing. On the con side, reps have to sell without an established brand, references or much

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Where Are You Looking for Sales People?

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - April 6, 2010

Some interesting points for employers hoping to find top performers via job boards. The downfall of this mass marketing approach is the complete lack of focus and specialization. Of course they get tens of thousands of visitors a day but do you care? When you are looking for a sales person it doesn’t matter how

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Time Blocking for Better Time Management (Requires 45 seconds to read)

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - March 30, 2010

Are you always looking for more time? Do you find you do allot but never get to the most important items on your list? While most managers start the day with a schedule many managers let the events of the day hijack their schedule, which can wreak havoc on productivity and ability to manage sales