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How to Find More Inside Sales Reps (Requires 45 seconds to read)

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - April 4, 2011

Job boards are one of the first places most organizations will search when they want to hire inside sales reps, but while job boards are a huge source of resumes and entry level candidates, relying on them can be a frustrating experience. As one customer explained to us, just sorting through the volumes of unqualified

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How to Hire the Right Sales Leader (Requires 60 seconds to read)

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - March 22, 2011

Whether you are a CEO or a executive level sales leader in your company, hiring the right sales leader for your organization can make or break your business. Get it right and they will build a strong team of achievers, increase company morale, and generate revenues profits and growth for the company. Hire the wrong

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What Type of a Sales Leader Are You?

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - March 17, 2011

We have all seen the different types of sales managers and probably even worked for a few. When we looked back over our own experience, we identified seven different types of sales managers, which we have affectionately named below. Which one are you? The Fire Marshall – This type of sales manager can trigger immediate

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When to Promote Your Top Sales Rep to Sales Manager (Requires 35 seconds to read)

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - March 10, 2011

Many moons ago, we blogged about the Six Reasons Not to Promote your Top Reps to Sales Management, and here are the top seven reasons you as the company executive or business owner *would* promote your top sales rep to a sales manager position. There is a common understanding between yourself the rep that this is

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Outcomes by Design – Hunter vs. Farmer Sales Compensation Plans

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - March 9, 2011

The hunter vs. farmer categorization for sales roles is a crude way to segment the sales function, but it is often a useful distinction, particularly when it comes to comp plan strategy. While new business development roles and existing account management roles both share the goal of generating sales, the roles are fundamentally different and