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When to Fire A Sales Rep – 4 Signs it’s Time (Takes 25 seconds to read)

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - August 30, 2011

If you are like most sales managers at this time of year you have a few sales reps who are falling behind in their numbers. You are optimistic that the fall will mean a bounce-back but you don’t want to carry dead weight on your team either. While successful sales hiring is matter of science,

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The Fatal Mistake Boards & VP Sales Will Make In 2012 Planning

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - August 26, 2011

Today a guest post from Aaron Ross, CEO of Pebblestorm who has just published a book called Predictable Revenue. Enjoy the post. My comments are at the end. For companies selling products worth less than $100,000-$250,000, the old school strategy of hiring more feet-on-the-street to drive revenue growth is failing more often. Or just fails.

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Do You Have a Sales Talent Pipeline? (Requires 30 seconds to read)

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - July 26, 2011

How many times have you decided you needed to add sales reps to your team or make some changes and gone to your recruiting function only to find that there is no one you could hire immediately? While your company receives job applications all the time, these are usually from unemployed people who didn’t cut

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Top Three Reasons Why You Don’t Give Company Stock to Sales People

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - July 16, 2011

Small business owners are often tempted to offer stock to key managers and employees as an incentive for them to stay and grow with the company. When an employee asks for stock as part of his or her compensation, business owners often see this as a vote of confidence from staff and a way to

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Top 3 Reasons to Have Structure in Your Sales Hiring Process

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - June 30, 2011

Many companies have a undisciplined approach to sales hiring: the approach changes depending on the urgency of the hire, the availability of candidates and the mood of the hiring team. It is no surprise that no more 50% of sales people meet targets in most sectors. Look around and you will see a direct correlation