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How to Find A Salesperson

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - July 13, 2023

In today’s competitive market, finding the right salesperson is crucial. As turnover rates among sales professionals hover around 20%, businesses must focus on effective recruitment and retention strategies. Let’s face it: businesses hate losing money. So when companies start shelling out $115,000 for every salesperson lost and replaced, C-Suite executives double down and focus their

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What You’re Missing When You Hire Based on Resumes Alone

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - November 22, 2022

Candidate resumes can be a great starting point for hiring, but they rarely tell the most important parts of a professional’s story. In sales, a candidate’s sales DNA almost always beats the resume. We encourage you to look beyond it. What is Sales DNA? Sales DNA is all about how someone approaches their role and

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How To Onboard New Sales Reps 50% Faster

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - April 22, 2022

  The High Cost of Extended Sales Rep Onboarding Taking months to bring a new employee up to speed in sales is costly in several ways. Consider the direct costs of sales rep onboarding. A new hire is drawing a salary (or advance on commissions) for a period of time before they start to close

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Top 10 Leadership Podcasts To Listen To In 2022

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - January 13, 2022

When you find a leadership podcast you love, you suddenly get a dream team of mentors to whisper in your ear as you go about your day. You can find a clever strategy or stumble across an entertaining story from one of the greats in your industry. We’ve compiled ten podcasts *not in order of

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Motivate Your Sales Team in 2022: The 10 Point Checklist

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - January 5, 2022

Keeping morale up and revenue flowing is harder during challenging times. As the world works toward finding its footing again, here are ways to help keep your sales team focused, productive and happy: 1. Stick to the Basics Whether you’re in an industry that has blown up or one that’s been blown away in the