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3 Easy Steps to Social Selling

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - July 12, 2012

Social selling; it’s not asking about your client’s weekend or their kids.  It’s about utilizing social media to increase sales.  Do you know how it works and should your sales reps even care? Sales has always been about doing business with people you know.  Networking and leveraging relationships through meetings, conferences, organizations, etc., has been

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When Recruiting for Sales People, Know How to Separate Salespeople Vs. Order Takers

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - June 21, 2012

Are your best producers sales people or order takers? Which one do you need and can you tell the difference? Would you call the person at the coffee shop a sales person or an order taker? They manage a business exchange between customers and the store (sales), and yet they primarily take orders. Is the clerk who up

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Hiring Start-Up Sales Reps

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - June 19, 2012

Sales people always face objections. Selling for a start up means facing objections and a tremendous amount of resistance. The customer is unfamiliar with the business and has no reason to trust you. You have few (if any) references, no proven merchandise, reputation, or extended track record. The product is usually more expensive and buyers

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Sales Trends from 2012 CSO Insights: Sales Rep Performance

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - June 14, 2012

How does your sales rep performance compare with the rep performance of 1,500 other firms spanning numerous industries? CSO Insights conducts an annual study to assess the strength of the sales world and the 2012 report includes an analysis of the 10 key trends of Sales Rep Performance. Check out where you are and what

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Sales Management Trends: An Aging Workforce

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - June 8, 2012

According to the 2010 US Census, almost a quarter of the population is aged 45 to 64 years old. The median age in more than seven states is 40 years old. Some consider sales a young person’s sport. Salespeople work long hours, travel extensively and have a considerable amount of pressure. What is the impact