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Do “old school” sales roles exist anymore?

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - December 9, 2012

Modern selling has made the sales people in movies like Tin Men, Glengarry Glenn Ross and Mad Men look dated, and a lot of people turn their nose up at sales reps that hobnob with customers like Herb Tarlek might have back in the day. But there is still that old saying that people buy

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The Importance of a Cross-Reference Strategy in Sales Hiring

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - December 7, 2012

When we say that sales people often do their best selling during interviews, we know that we sound like a broken record, but that doesn’t change the fact that getting past the sales job is a critical challenge in sales hiring. There are many ways to figure out the “real” salesperson during the hiring process,

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Transforming Dysfunctional Sales Teams;Interview with Colleen Francis

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - December 4, 2012

Colleen Francis, Sales Expert, is Founder and President of Engage Selling Solutions. She has over 20 years of sales and management experience, and puts these skills to use by helping clients realize immediate results, achieve lasting success and permanently raise their bottom line. We sat down with her recently to talk about how to turn

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Why Culture Matters in Sales Hiring (Requires 30 seconds to read)

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - November 28, 2012

In many circles there still exists the notion that if you get the right skill set in a sales person, they will sell and contribute to the top and bottom lines. Unfortunately, it is not that simple. If you hire people without considering culture fit, you are probably compromising your chances of running a successful

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Sales Training vs. Onboarding New Hires

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - August 30, 2012

You’ve hired a great new talent and you’re excited for her to hit the road selling. But before she can be productive, she needs to complete her training program. The training was created by the corporate office and is distributed to all sales managers with specific procedures that need to be followed. It consists of