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Paying Sales Commissions on Revenues vs. Profit

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - August 7, 2013

There are many different ways to structure and layer sales compensation and commission plans and most are based on revenue performance, but in some sectors compensating based on profit is popular and there are situations where it may make sense for your company as well. Compensating on Revenues The most common form of sales compensation,

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Sales On-Boarding in Small and Medium Sized Companies

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - August 5, 2013

How do you bring your new hires onboard your business? Leading corporations often have an orientation and indoctrination program that matches the multi-stage recruiting process they implement to ensure they get the people they believe are best suited for the roles they will fill within the company and the best fit for the company culture.

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Should You Put a Cap Sales on Commissions and Earnings?

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - July 28, 2013

Several studies have shown that high-achieving salespeople are motivated by financial rewards (Harvard Business Review, PsyMetrics, SalesDrive, and others). That’s not to say that all salespeople are primarily motivated by money or that money is the only thing that motivates them, but achieving high income is a big factor in motivating behaviour for most salespeople

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Why Are Sales Hunters So Hard To Find? (and the Importance of the ABC’s of Recruiting)

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - July 26, 2013

There are literally a million different varieties of sales roles from those that handle inbound calls for information to those that manage existing relationships and those that open new accounts. The most coveted type of sales professional, what we tend to call, ‘Hunters’ pound the pavement (or the phone as the case may be), find

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Yanik Silver Interviews Peak Sales Recruiting’s Eliot Burdett

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - July 23, 2013

Peak Sales Recruiting’s founder Eliot Burdett was recently interviewed by Internet entrepreneur and Maverick 1000 CEO, Yanik Silver. During the 60 minute interview Burdett shared many aspects of sales recruiting and hiring mastery, including the traits of a an “A-player” sales achiever and why they are so hard to find, how to attract top sales