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Do Looks and Appearances Matter in Sales?

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - October 9, 2013

In a perfect world, appearances don’t have an impact on business, but in the real world, unfortunately, looks seem to matter. Studies have shown that people considered to be attractive earn more money and generate higher sales results. The studies aren’t necessarily conclusive, but I know this from being in sales for many years: buyers

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Sales Qualifying Questions and Challenges

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - October 2, 2013

We wrote about cold call reluctance earlier this week (see My New Hire Won’t Make Cold Calls). Qualifying a prospect is one of the most critical phases in the sales cycle is another area where we see reps exhibiting reluctance. After the initial call is made, qualifying is one of the most feared phases in

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My New Sales Hire Won’t Make Cold Calls

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - September 30, 2013

We hear this story a lot. I recently hired a new sales person. During the interview process they seemed like a great hunter. They pursued me during the hiring process and actively closed me during our final interview. Now that the rep is on-board, it seems they won’t pick up the phone to save their

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10 Steps to Building a Terrible Sales Team

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - September 27, 2013

There are countless articles on how to build a high performance sales team (including ours: How To Create A High-Performance Sales Culture), so we decided to take a lighthearted look at how not to build a sales team. Only look for talent when you need to hire – If a hiring manager looks for talent

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Are you wasting your time with reference checks on sales hires?

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - September 23, 2013

Reference Checks Reference checks are one of the most critical ways to validate the traits and performance abilities of a potential sales hire (see The Importance of Reference Checks in Sales Hiring). Unfortunately many companies make up their mind to hire someone and then perform only cursory reference checks or, surprisingly often, none at all.