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Key Sales Force Design Mistakes

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - November 28, 2013

Good article here, Five Common – and Avoidable – Mistakes in Sales Force Design, by ZS Associates. We have summarized theses mistakes and added our take. Role pollution – Sales people are involved in too many support and non-sales activities. Peak’s Take: We see this a lot, particularly from sales managers that weren’t themselves top sales people,

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The Value of Shadowing When On-Boarding New Sales Hires

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - November 25, 2013

Effectively on-boarding new sales hires is one of the most important steps an employer can take to achieve a high return on the investment made to find that person. A simple yet very powerful way to do this is to have new hires shadow one of your most successful sales reps. Over the years, I

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6 Key Ways to Excel at Sales Recruiting and Hiring

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - November 19, 2013

The percentage of sales reps at quota on many sales teams implies a serious struggle with sales hiring efficiency. According to the 2013 CSO Insights Report entitled “Optimizing Hiring Effectiveness, Getting the Right Players on the Field”, the average percentage of reps making quota was 62%. When the participants in the study were asked to rate their

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How to Offer Competitive Sales Compensation When Recruiting Across Different Sectors

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - November 15, 2013

When trying to attract top sales talent to your company, offering competitive compensation is critical. This usually means offering an achievable total compensation which is at or above what other competing employers are prepared to offer the sales professional(s) you are seeking to hire. The definition of competitive compensation gets a little blurry when hiring

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Sales Recruiting Humor

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - November 13, 2013

I heard this joke a couple of days ago and thought it was worth passing along: HR Rep: Here is a stack of resumes for your open sales position. Hiring Manager: Can you please show me the good resumes. HR Rep: Here you go. [hands over a dozen resumes] Hiring Manager:  [Takes the resumes and throws six