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42 Quotes To Inspire Persistence When Selling

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - December 1, 2014

We have written about the importance of persistence in selling before (see The Not So Fine Line Between Persistence and Stalking in Sales). Knowing that it plays such an important role in helping to win accounts, here are some quotes to inspire one of the core most important traits of selling – persistence. Incredible salespeople relate

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Job Description of a Vice President of Sales

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - November 24, 2014

The Vice President of Sales has the primary responsibility of delivering the right revenues; be that defined as a hard number, growth target, profit target and/or a market share goal. Secondary responsibilities include: Recruiting, Backfilling and Helping His/ Her Sales Team, Building the Sales Strategy, Devising Sales Tactics, and Creating and Selling Deals Him/Herself. The following job description provides a

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Sales Recruiting in New York: Finding ‘A’ Level Talent

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - November 10, 2014

It is no surprise that recruiting top performing sales professionals in New York City is no easy task. Top sales people in the Big Apple do what New Yorkers do best – make money, and lots of it. To be the best of the best, requires competing and winning in arguably the most cut throat and fast-paced selling

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The Not So Fine Line Between Persistence and Stalking in Sales

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - November 4, 2014

A few years ago, sales expert Colleen Francis and I were talking about how persistence is a double edged sword that can help but also hinder sales results. Now a recent experience reminds me that the line is not always so fine at all – sometimes the line is very clear. There is a Fine Line Between Persistence and Stalking! –

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The Top 10 Factors for a Successful Sales Recruiting Project

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - October 23, 2014

Recruiting high achieving sales professionals onto your sales team is no simple task for a few simple reasons: They are rare, They are employed, not looking for a new job, and are constantly receiving offers from competing employers. Overcoming these challenges takes significant effort and commitment, but the investment is justified by the superior results that top