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Is the Extrovert Always Right for Sales?

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - January 12, 2015

It’s interesting to note that a paper in the American Psychological Association titled “Introverts and Extroverts” published in 1924 ends with a question about whether introverts and extroverts belong to personality types at all. The paper provides definitions of both terms – an introvert being “an individual in whom exists an exaggeration of the thought

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17 Statistics To Improve Cold Calling

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - January 6, 2015

Debate rages between sales experts that advocate cold calling is “dead” or “dying”, and those who see it as  “rising from the dead”, “not dead”, or only “semantically dead.” The truth is, sales tactics traditionally referred to as cold calling are still very much alive and is an important strategy utilized by sales management in high-growth companies (Profit

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10 Point Checklist for Hitting the Year End Target

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - December 5, 2014

Hard work creates opportunity and there is still lots of time to find and close net new deals. Since December marks a great time to work hard towards a strong finish for you and your team, we have compiled the ten best ways to make sure your team hits target by year end: Communicate the Importance of

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42 Quotes To Inspire Persistence When Selling

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - December 1, 2014

We have written about the importance of persistence in selling before (see The Not So Fine Line Between Persistence and Stalking in Sales). Knowing that it plays such an important role in helping to win accounts, here are some quotes to inspire one of the core most important traits of selling – persistence. Incredible salespeople relate

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Job Description of a Vice President of Sales

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - November 24, 2014

The Vice President of Sales has the primary responsibility of delivering the right revenues; be that defined as a hard number, growth target, profit target and/or a market share goal. Secondary responsibilities include: Recruiting, Backfilling and Helping His/ Her Sales Team, Building the Sales Strategy, Devising Sales Tactics, and Creating and Selling Deals Him/Herself. The following job description provides a