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What I Wish I Knew Before Becoming a Sales Manager

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - March 23, 2015

When I became the leader of a sales team for the first time in the mid 90’s, I did not have the luxury of selling for many years and being mentored by someone who could teach me the ropes. Instead, I was a company founder who filled a need that we had at the time

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Is Your Sales Team Comprised of Order Takers or Order Makers?

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - March 16, 2015

Describe cold calling to someone outside of sales and they will cringe at the notion of contacting an unknown person and likely hearing that they don’t want to speak. Even sales people who claim to embrace hunting will often avoid cold calling if given the choice. There is no doubt that prospecting for new customers

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How to Write a Sales Manager Job Description

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - March 9, 2015

The key to writing a great Sales Manager job description: articulate specific performance objectives and highlight how a candidate will advance their career at your organization.  High performing sales managers are gainfully driving revenue for their employers and not perusing job ads. So if you need to hire one, you are going to have to

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2015 Sales Compensation Trends

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - February 23, 2015

In January, the World Bank announced cautionary good news. The organization’s Global Economic Prospects Report (GEP) predicted growth for developing countries, soft oil prices, a stronger U.S. economy, and the continuation of low interest rates globally. As experts continue to talk about economic recovery, this positive outlook for the global economy is reflected in corporate

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Sales Hiring: Culture and its Impact on Recruiting

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - February 18, 2015

Cultivating the right internal culture is an afterthought for many organizations and yet culture plays an enormous role in business success. What is Culture? A company’s “corporate culture” can be thought of as the general norms, traditions and assumptions that govern employee perceptions, thoughts and behaviours at work. The term “corporate culture” came into vogue