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Didn’t Get the Sales Job? Here Are 10 Reasons Why

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - September 20, 2016

In today’s hyper-competitive sales hiring landscape, the interview process can quickly become a daunting and drawn out process. Candidates are required to complete multiple interviews, behavioral assessments, and  psychometric testing. While it’s frustrating when you don’t get the sales job, understanding why you didn’t is your path to future success. Key Takeaways? Know your numbers, come prepared, and

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Common Denominators of Top Sales Organizations

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - September 16, 2016

If you had the opportunity to survey a wide range of top sales organizations and the top performers that support their winning sales teams, you’d find some steady trends. Top organizations are organized, disciplined, and results oriented. They approach business in a structured fashion and develop and support processes that help employees maintain high standards. Top employees,

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What’s In a Name? Job Titles and Your Sales Career

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - September 13, 2016

In a world where labels reign supreme, how important is your job title? We explain the surprising and sometimes unexpected effects job title can have on your work performance, job satisfaction, and career trajectory. When it comes to job titles and their impact on salespeople, there are two general schools of thought Sales VP’s, Sales

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60 Sales Team Names: A Comprehensive List

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - September 7, 2016

While it’s easy to dismiss sales team names as a nonessential element of team membership, the fact remains that a relevant and unified sales team name creates alignment and helps foster a sense of unity within a group dynamic. Ultimately, the sense of belonging that comes from being in a group is a powerful component

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5 Keys to Writing a Winning Sales Resume [Infographic]

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - September 6, 2016

You are a top performing salesperson, so it is in your DNA to sell. And, best of all, you know how to sell yourself. However, before you can get the opportunity to sell a future employer on the reasons why their company needs you to achieve their aggressive growth goals, you need to attract them through a