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Personal Branding: The Key to Success for Salespeople on LinkedIn

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - February 8, 2018

More than 80% of all B2B leads are from LinkedIn – so if you’re not using LinkedIn, or not using it effectively, you’re missing out big time. There’s a lot of opportunity on a platform that boasts half a billion users and encompasses every industry.  But if you’ve only put together a basic professional profile,

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65 Sales Interview Questions to Ask Sales Candidates

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - January 14, 2018

Interviewing salespeople is like peeling an onion. It involves peeling away their superficial layers and getting past conditioned responses to learn about their capabilities, traits, cultural fit, and if they will yield quality results. With 50% of sales reps today missing quotas, conducting a successful sales interview is the difference between hiring a top performer

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10 Ways to Motivate Your Sales Team to Crush Their Numbers-Infographic

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - December 18, 2017

In the hypercompetitive industry of sales, a motivated sales force can mean the difference between hitting targets and missing them by a mile. In fact, a recent Gallup study found that an unmotivated workforce costs companies 300 billion dollars in lost productivity each year. Even the best sellers, with self-motivation and resiliency built into their

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5 Sales Team Building Activities That Reduce Turnover Rates

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - September 26, 2017

In today’s talent market, voluntary turnover rates are at an all time high. With the average turnover rate across all sales industries being 11.5 percent – software sales holding the top spot at 15.3 percent turnover – it’s more crucial than ever to create a work environment your sales team doesn’t want to leave.  

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Use Front-End Sales Assessment Tests to Improve Quality of Hire

by Eliot Burdett | Published on - August 15, 2017

It’s the talent on your sales team that will determine your fate when you’re working to hit aggressive targets and achieve your company’s future goals. And finding top performers is the difference between your company’s victory or failure in competitive markets. To find these top performers faster, you need to incorporate quantitative and objective candidate